Dmg File Won't Open

Open DMG File. The usage of the DMG file extension is in the context of a mountable disk image file which is generated by the Mac OS X Operating System platform. Once the file is opened, the system will mount it in a virtual disk located on the user's desktop. You can’t open DMG files directly in Windows, though. For that, you’ll need a third-party tool. Open DMG Files in Windows By Using 7-Zip or DMG Extractor. There are a lot of different tools you can use to extract DMG files in Windows. Our two favorites are 7-Zip and DMG Extractor. In our testing, we found a few DMG files that would open with one of those apps but not the other. How to Install Software from DMG Files on a Mac. 21 September, 2007 by Tom Harrison in mac os x. A.DMG file is a container file commonly used to distribute applications for Mac OS X. Installing software from one of these requires you to mount the image and move its contents to your computer’s “Applications” directory.

Open DMG File. The usage of the DMG file extension is in the context of a mountable disk image file which is generated by the Mac OS X Operating System platform. Once the file is opened, the system will mount it in a virtual disk located on the user's desktop.

One of the most common mistakes I see among new Mac users is fumbling with how to install new software. The process for installing new applications on your Mac can be confusing at first because it differs greatly from Windows’ software installation process. Nevertheless, the Mac method of installing software is actually quite simple and intuitive once you are accustomed to it. If your desktop is littered with DMG files and white “drive”-looking icons, read on!

What are .DMG Files?

DMG stands for Disk Image, and is a format commonly used to distribute files and applications among Apple computers. A DMG file is like a virtual DVD or hard drive. They can be “mounted” on your Mac in order to work with their contents, or even burned to an actual physical disc.

In order to understand the concept of a DMG disk image, think of a storage volume such as a CD, DVD, hard drive, or external drive. A DMG file is like one of these devices in that it serves as a means to encapsulate documents, images, software, and other files. The difference is that with a DMG, there is no physical storage medium. There is only the DMG file, which can be written to a hard drive, burned to a CD or DVD, or sent over the Internet.

In order to work with the contents of a DMG file, you must mount the the disk image to your system. This may sound daunting, however “mounting” a DMG file with Mac OS X is no more complicated than double-clicking it’ icon. The operating system will load the load image and place a new icon both on your desktop, and in the sidebar of the Finder. The icon will have the same name as the DMG, and you’ll be able to browse through its contents like any other folder.

Once you are done working with the contents of the file, you will want to remove or “unmount” it from your system. Do this by opening the Finder and clicking the eject icon next to the virtual drive’s icon. Or, go to the Desktop, click once on the icon, and press CMD+E.

Software installation with Mac OS X is very different than in the Windows world. On a Windows PC you run an installer, tick off a few checkboxes, and wait for the progress meter to reach completion. There usually is no such “installation wizard” on a Mac &emdash; you simply drag and drop the program into your computer’s “Applications” directory. The trick is that most Mac applications are distributed as images called DMG files, and many new Mac users end up running applications directly from the image instead of installing them to the “Applications” directory.

Enough explanation, here’s how to install an OS X app from a DMG file:

  1. Find the downloaded file, which usually ends up in your Desktop or Downloads folder.
  2. Double-click the .DMG file to mount it. A new Finder window showing its contents should appear.
    • If the window also contains a shortcut icon to “Applications”, drag and drop the app onto the shortcut.
    • If not, double-click the mounted volume on your desktop and drag the app icon from there to the “Applications” icon in the Finder sidebar.

Dmg File Won T Open On Mac

Further Explanation

Alright, that was the abridged version. Here’s the long version. I’ve just downloaded the DeskLickr application, and the DeskLickr_1.2.dmg is sitting on my desktop. I double-click it and a new icon labeled “DeskLickr 1.2” appears on my desktop. Here’s what my desktop looks like at this point:

Since most of the time a new Finder window also pops up when the image is ready for use, this one is now sitting on my desktop:

Different applications are going to show you slightly different Finder windows. Each application’s designers like to add their own artwork. Glitter aside, most applications are trying to tell you the same thing. See the arrow pointing from the DeskLickr icon to the “Applications’ shortcut? It’s telling you to drag and drop the icon into that folder. Once you’ve done so, the app will be installed.

If a program doesn’t provide a shortcut to the Applications folder, you’ll need to pop open a new Finder window. Press CMD+N to open a new window, then drag the program over to “Applications” in the left-hand side of the window.

Once the new program is installed it’s time to do some house cleaning. You no longer need the disk image you downloaded, so follow these steps:

  1. Close any Finder windows that have been left open.
  2. Eject the disk image (not the .DMG file). Click on its desktop icon, then press CMD+E.
  3. Delete the .DMG file by dragging it to the trash.

That’s it! Your new Mac application is ready to use. But wait…

Bonus Tip: Add Your New Application to the Dock

Windows Won T Open Dmg File

I knew you were going to ask, so I figured I would cut you off at the pass. In order to add the new application to the dock, follow these steps:

  1. Open up a new Finder window.
  2. Click on “Applications”.
  3. Locate your new program’s icon.
  4. Drag the icon to your Dock, and drop it wherever you like.

I downloaded v.5.2.2 (Fresh) (Mac version) but am getting an error message when trying to open the DMG file.

I seem to meet the system requirements (running OS X 10.9.5 / Mavericks w- plenty of memory), so is there any recommended troubleshooting for this, other than deleting the current DMG file and trying again?

Error message displayed when I dbl-click the DMG icon/filename:


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Dmg File Won't Open On Mac High Sierra


Dmg File Won't Open On Mac

What error ? Try to check the hash of the file, preferably the SHA256 one, never trust MD5 if you can help it.

Either failed compilation or failed download with such error.

I'm sorry but I lack the technical knowledge to understand the two comments above.

Re: 'What error?' -- the error was the one shown in the grey box above ('The following disk images… etc.')

1) Download http://download.documentfoundation.or.. to same folder as the DMG.;; 2) Open the terminal/console and enter the folder. You can do it easily by writing §cd § and drag-dropping the folder to the terminal and hit Enter.;; 3) Write §shasum -a 256 -c LibreOffice_5.2.2_MacOS_x86-64.dmg.sha256§ and hit Enter.

CONTINUED: If it says it's a match, that file wasn't correctly made and I think a bug report needs to be made. If it's a mismatch, try re-downloading.

Thanks. By 'Download' (first paragraph above) I'm not sure what you mean. Clicking on that link just displays a text string. Do you mean save the string as a text file? Or were you referring to downloading LibreOffice 5.2.2 (which I've already done, though in a zipfile I can't unzip)?

Also, in your last paragraph ('CONTINUED: etc.') did you mean to write 'If it doesn't say it's a match… etc.'? Or is a 'match' what I don't want (because it means the file is bad)?

@rautamiekka I don't know what happened to the other comments that were here (only those from the date of the original post are displaying), but this seems to have been a hardware problem -- i.e. with my modem/router. No errors were reported during the download of the .dmg but, as reported here, it failed both attempts. Thanks for your attempts to assist me with this.

I figured as much, although I weren't exactly sure if your modem was the exact culprit.

Modem was the culprit. Thanks again. Do you know what happened to all the other comments -- yours and mine (the ones that followed the first exchanges on Oct 18)?

Calibre mac download. Installed and activated on your PC before either the plug-in or Epubor software will remove the DRM from Kindle books.If you download other e-books, you must have Nook for PC, Adobe Digital Editions, Kobo Reader, etc. The Calibre DeDRM plug-in and Epubor software work well on Win7 64-bit.You MUST have Kindle for PC/Mac/etc. From all aspects, this way is far more easier than Calibre and the plugins.Here maybe you are interested in this video about the Epubor Ultimate.

Does LO delete comments?

My guess is as good as yours. It's entirely possible the Admins/Mods deleted comments which held no useful value. An asking site like this is pretty bad for long[ish] conversations and attempts to figure it out.