Csgo Dmg Hekk

Enumerations used by CTakeDamageInfo:GetDamageType, CTakeDamageInfo:SetDamageType and CTakeDamageInfo:IsDamageType

  1. Csgo Dmg Hekk 3
  2. Csgo Dmg Hell

Yes, you can add accidents and incidents to the ASN WikiBase yourself! Or you can correct or update existing accidents. You can add any aviation accident or incident you like: general aviation, military, helicopters etc. I - Description I made this plugin for my community Zombie4Ever.eu and was allowed to share it. Will show the damage on the Hint(HUD). Will show you the damage, armor and the part of the body. Councilor Vay Hek is the administrator of Earth on behalf of the Grineer Queens. He has been marked by the Lotus for assassination for upsetting the balance in the system by killing several political opponents. He is also known for being heavily modified with Grineer alterations, having little. Dec 28, 2016  Internal/External KateBot There's no more Offset Dumper for KateBot and offsets in Config.ini, those are automatically scanned when the game updates. After restart start STEAM and CSGO then wait 15 MINUTES in csgo main menu without.

Warning! Decimal values are for reference only! The actual value may be different between two Garry's Mod versions.
Name Decimal Description
DMG_GENERIC 0 Generic damage
DMG_CRUSH 1 Caused by physics interaction. Ignored by airboat drivers. Used by the Crowbar
DMG_BULLET 2 Bullet damage
DMG_SLASH 4 Sharp objects, such as Manhacks or other NPCs attacks
DMG_BURN 8 Damage from fire
DMG_VEHICLE 16 Hit by a vehicle. This will need to be set for passengers of some vehicle to receive damage.
DMG_FALL 32 Fall damage
DMG_BLAST 64 Explosion damage. Will be ignored by most vehicle passengers.
DMG_CLUB 128 Crowbar damage
DMG_SHOCK 256 Electrical damage, shows smoke at the damage position
DMG_SONIC 512 Sonic damage,used by the Gargantua and Houndeye NPCs
DMG_PREVENT_PHYSICS_FORCE 2048 Prevent a physics force
DMG_NEVERGIB 4096 Never creates gibs. (Used by the crossbow)
DMG_ALWAYSGIB 8192 Always create gibs
DMG_DROWN 16384 Drown damage
DMG_NERVEGAS 65536 Neurotoxin damage
DMG_POISON 131072 Poison damage
DMG_RADIATION 262144 Radiation. Will be ignored by most vehicle passengers.
DMG_DROWNRECOVER 524288 Damage applied to the player to restore health after drowning
DMG_ACID 1048576 Toxic chemicals or acid burns
DMG_SLOWBURN 2097152 In an oven
DMG_REMOVENORAGDOLL 4194304 Don't create a ragdoll on death
DMG_PHYSGUN 8388608 Damage done by the gravity gun
DMG_PLASMA 16777216 Plasma
DMG_AIRBOAT 33554432 Airboat gun damage
DMG_DISSOLVE 67108864 Forces the entity to dissolve on death. This is what the combine ball uses when it hits a target
DMG_BLAST_SURFACE 134217728 This won't hurt the player underwater
DMG_DIRECT 268435456 Direct damage to the entity that does not go through any damage value modifications
DMG_BUCKSHOT 536870912 The pellets fired from a shotgun
DMG_SNIPER 1073741824 Damage from SniperRound/SniperPenetratedRound ammo types
DMG_MISSILEDEFENSE 2147483648 Damage from npc_missiledefense, npc_combinegunship, or monster_mortar
Retrieved from 'https://wiki.garrysmod.com/index.php?title=Enums/DMG&oldid=31894'

Disclaimer: I do not own any ofthis!

A/n: Ok, well I got a laptop frommy teacher to use for the school year—and decided to give its wordprocessor a whirl. I've never used this type of word processorbefore so I think this is a justified test run. ^^


He was a man who would havemade Dr. Frankenstein proud..or make him look like an idioticsimpleton. He was vile, cruel and could care less about the rules ofmedicine. The teenager often wondered if said man could even beconsidered a doctor…or professor at that matter. Had he actuallygone to medical school? Let alone did he actually have enougheducation to be considered a professor? These questions often plaguedthe young teenager who feared his time, though sparse as they were,time alone with said doctor…professor…whatever.

These questions plaguedfifteen-year-old Sephiroth (no last name) as he stood in thelavatory, palms resting on the edge of the chrome counter top,knuckles a milk white as he gripped the counter top so tightly itcreaked under the strain. He was gazing at himself in the long mirrorthat spanned the large counter top.


His stance was stiff, backcurved in a rather uncharacteristic slouch, long strands of silverhair cascading over his shoulders the tips just brushing the countertop. His face was pale and his thin lips were parted slightly in apit of a panicked pant.


Sephiroth let out a slightirritated groan before raising his fingers to his head and ran thetips of his rounded nails over his scalp. He hated the unbearablesensation that was attacking his scalp. He'd never had issues withhis scalp or hair before—he was very proud of his hygiene and likedkeeping his hair clean at all times. He was probably the first totake showers after training or labs and the last one to leave. Hevaguely wondered how this obsessive behavior began, after all he alsoprided himself on not really obsessing over anything like his friendGenesis. He snarled grinding his teeth together, quickly spinningaway from the mirror and leaning his lean slightly arched frameagainst the chrome counter, which now had slight finger indentationsfrom where he had gripped it so tightly.

//I can't believe this…what'sgoing on with me? Did I not get all of the shampoo out of my hair?Hmn. He unconsciously ran his fingers through his hair again.//Or did I get something in my hair at my last lab? Oh great thatcould be bad for my health…damn it what is it! He snarled tohimself before deciding he'd just wash whatever it was out of hishair.


So he stripped out of hisclothes, which he left on the counter, before locking the door, andjumping into one of the many showers, closing the dark coloredcurtain that he had insisted be installed. He smirked, it had beenvery entertaining watching the presidents face as the professorexplained why the privacy would be good for EVERYONES health.

'As you know President,' Hojostated, pushing his round glasses up the rather crooked bridge of hisnose, glancing back over his shoulder at the teenager leaning againstthe wall, eyes narrowed at a spot near his shoes, arms crossed overhis chest. ', there was recently an accident involving,'

The President balked, pointing afat finger towards the teenager.

'Your…your experiment!' hesnapped, frightened and furious to be in the same room with the teen,who made him rather uneasy. He wasn't quite sure what it was, thelong silver hair, the lean but overly strong body, or perhaps hiseyes…which were flickering in his direction. He swallowed the lumpin his throat. Hojo cleared his throat and continued.

Csgo Dmg Hekk 3

'Yes well, an accidentinvolving Sephiroth here. Are you aware of exactly what happened?'

The president shook his head. Hehad paid for the damage, and signed several papers the Turks hadstuck under his nose but he didn't actually read any of it. 'Ah,well as you are aware some members among the group we know as SOLDIERare not exactly interested in reproducing and thus have no use forwoman…'

'Sexual actions are prohibitedwithin SOLDIER and Shinra ranks!' Sephiroth snapped quietly. Hojonodded.

'This is very true President,and let's just says several of your SOLDIER members findmy…experiment, very attractive.' Hojo stated, slight smirkforming on his lips at the obvious clenching of the teenagers jaw.

'Get on with it Hojo! Whathappened?'

'Sephiroth injured two of thefirst class SOLDIERS and killed a third, who decided to invade hispersonal space.'

The President paled.

Csgo Dmg Hell

Sephiroth smirked at the memory,turning on the hot water before grabbing a bottle of shampoo. Hesighed, determined to get whatever it was in his hair OUT.


Sephiroth snarled andslouched over the bathroom counter top, fingers entangled in the longstrands of his hair. He'd been pulling at it for several minutesand now he had to admit his scalp was rather soar. He let out awhimper standing up straighter and gazing at himself. He feltpathetic; he couldn't even take good enough care for himself. Letalone the fact he didn't know what was wrong with him. He sighed,pushing several strands of silver hair behind his ear. He'd neveronce asked the professor for help…but now he knew that he'd haveto.


After several minutes ofself preparation Sephiroth found himself standing outside of thedeepest section of the lab. Hojo's section. The place the gooddoctor hardly ever left in less it held interested for anotherexperiment.


Sephiroth hated the labs,let alone this particular area. For as long as he could remember thisarea of the lab always frightened him the most, he wasn't sure ifit was actually the lab, or if it were the man in charge of it. Onething he was sure, he hated the white tile of the floors, the blahgray of the walls and the annoying hum of the florescent light bulbshanging above head—let alone the chemical smell.


He took a deep breath beforepressing the button that would activate the automatic door. Hementally snorted, if it were automatic why did they have to pushbuttons? Why couldn't the door just OPEN when you walked near it?


Upon entering the lab he foundit just as cold and uninviting as he had several weeks earlier whenhe had visited the professor for an early mako treatment so he couldleave Shinra for several days and travel to Banora to spend some timewith his friends there, Angeal and Genesis. Had he known he would bereturning so soon he might have thought longer about his trip toBanora…but he wasn't a mind reader so how could he have known?

'Ah, Sephiroth, what do I owe thepleasure?' Came the sickening nasally voice from across the room.Sephiroth let his eyes wander to the figure clad in a white lab coat,who was hunched over a table. He shivered, how he hated that man. Hetook several paces into the lab so the door to slide closed behindhim—giving him a rather caged feeling.

'I need some help professor.'

Hojo slowly turned from his slouchedposition over the table, sickening smirk plastered on his face,glasses slipping slightly down his crooked nose. His smile wideningas he pushed the glasses back into place.

'Oh, is that right?'

Sephiroth felt every fiber of hisbeing begin to scream for him to run, to flee…but he wouldn't, hewouldn't act afraid, he wouldn't act as if he was intimidated bythis pathetic excuse for a human being.

'Yes, it seems there is somethingwrong with me.'

Hojo stood up straight…orstraighter and approached, clip bored in hand. Adobe creative cloud dmg. This move gaveSephiroth a clear shot to see what was on the table, and what he sawsickened him and took away almost all of his nerve. Hojo, havingnoticed the sudden paleness taking over his prized experiment glancedover his shoulder.

'Oh that, just ignore it. It's afailed experiment anyway.' He stated. Sephiroth swallowed beforeaverting his gaze back to the deranged scientists. 'Now what is itthat you need assistance with?'

'Well. You see professor it israther personal.'

Hojo snorted.

'Sephiroth you should know by nowpersonal matters do not concern me, now if you want help you willsimply have to,'

'Ok, yes professor I know. Well,could you check my scalp?'

Hojo cocked and eyebrow. Sephirothwinced at the sudden sensation on his scalp again and rose hisfingers to scratch. Hojo motioned for him to sit in a chair, and sithe did. He didn't really like the professor looking at him, buthe'd been around the man long enough to know what he liked anddidn't like didn't mean a thing to the professor. So, he satsilently while the professors chemically tainted fingers worked theirway through his long hair, checking every inch of his scalp. Every sooften a 'hmn' or a 'uh ha' would escape the professor,causing the teenager to stiffen slightly. Once he felt the professorsfingers leave his scalp he turned in the seat to gaze up at theprofessor. 'Professor?'

Hojo crossed his arms, tabbing hisfingers on his elbow.

'Well my boy it seems you havesomehow picked up Banora mites.' He stated shaking his head andturning towards a wooden desk covered in papers and folders and tubesof all sorts. Sephiroth gaped at him.

'B-Banora Mites? What are those?'

'Banora Mites are tiny, tinyinsects that thrive on ones scalp, eating away the dead skin and deadhair particles.'

'Are they dangerous?'

Hojo shook his head as he lazilysorted through several files.

'No, they are harmless, gross atthe most. They can lay several hundred eggs every day. And by thetime the eggs hatch one could be infested with thousands evenmillions of bugs several centimeters long.'

Sephiroth paled.

'I don't want bugs in my hair!'He cried standing up. Hojo turned and looked up at the teenager, onlyfifteen and the boy was already taller than him.

'You should have listened to meand not gone to Banora!' He snapped poking the teenager inthe chest. 'You probably picked I up from one of your friends, orboth! And now because of this everyone in Shinra, let alone anyonewho has come and gone will need to be treated and all materials thatare cloth will need to be treated.'

Sephiroth began feeling guilty, thatwas one thing the professor was good at, making him feel worthlessand guilty.

'How is it treated?' He grumbledlowering his head. He blinked when the professor thrust a smallbottle of some potent smelling fluid into his hand. He looked down atthe professor who was oftly close to him, holding the bottle to hischest.

'Take a shower my boy.' Hojosmirked. 'Take a shower.'

Sephiroth blinked. //You've gotto be kidding me.

^^ yay I finally wrote this out!It actually turned out better than I thought it would! Great for atest run! Might even get credit in school for 'creative writing',if I'm lucky that is. Any ways hope you all enjoyed it. ^^ Pleasereview.