Tmg Vs Dmg

DMG (dimethylglycine) is basically the amino acid glycine attached to two methyl groups while TMG, also known as betaine, has three methyl groups. DMG dosage for children seems to be 1-4 tablets per day - 125mg tablet TMG - I can't find the dosage and tablets per day recommendation So my other questions are: 1 - should I start with DMG OR TMG first? 2 - if DGM, what other vitamins and their dosage should go with it? 3 - if TMG, what other vitamins and their dosage should go with it? Jul 05, 2011  1 - should I start with DMG OR TMG first? 2 - if DGM, what other vitamins and their dosage should go with it? 3 - if TMG, what other vitamins and their dosage should go with it? TMG.vs DMG & dosage questions. Before giving your child anything like that, you really need to consult her PED. Do not give her anything regardless of how safe.

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Dimethylglycine, also known as DMG, is a natural substance found in both plant and animal cells, and is derived from the amino acid glycine (see reference 1 under Clinical Summary para 1). As a supplement, it is purported to offer a number of health benefits, from enhancing physical performance to improving behavior in children with autism and attention deficit disorder. However, the evidence to support these claims is lacking, according to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (see reference 1 under Mechanism of Action).

Tmg Health Benefits

How DMG Works

The body produces DMG in the cells by breaking down choline (see reference 1 under Clinical Summary). In the body, it acts as an antioxidant and improves oxygenation of the cells (see reference 1 under Clinical Summary). The thought is that taking DMG as a supplement may further enhance oxygenation, which improves athletic performance (see reference 1 under Clinical Summary). It is also thought to act as a neurological stimulator, which is why it has gained popularity in the autism community (see reference 1 under Clinical Summary). According to an October 2009 review article on the use of complementary medicine in autism published in 'Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics,' the two clinical trials testing the use of DMG on children with autism showed no positive effect or improvement in behavior (see reference 2 under DMG).

Safety Concerns

Trimethylglycine Benefits

DMG is considered a safe and non-toxic substance, according to MSKCC (see reference 1 under Clinical Summary). If you're supplementing your diet with DMG, be sure to inform your doctor to monitor for any potential side effects or interactions. Additionally, while it's safe to take DMG, do not rely on it as a cure or treatment for any illness.