Physical Dmg Ranger Poe

PoeCurrencyBuyDate: Jun/10/19 02:56:11Views: 11026

As for a remote-attack classes, ranger is the best in path of exile. I’ve created a ranger who output physical damage in battle. It is well-know that physical-damage skills can recover life and mana in fights. For ranger, a bow is the ideal remote attack weapon. Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand. Forum Index » Ranger. And that's just one example of physical dmg. Tons of other mobs like undying alchemists can drop your hp easily and armor has no effect on that.

Lacerate got a lot of buffs in 3.7, attracting many players who have never tried this skill. This Lacerate Duelist Gladiator Endgame Build fully incorporates the relevant changes in 3.7 and uses some new skill gems such as Blood and Sand to create a powerful endgame build.

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Pros & Cons

  • + Can do all content
  • + Budget
  • + Good survivability (Alot of Evasion/nice armor/a lot of damage reduction)
  • + Solid clearspeed (Reave looks like top tier, Double Strike a bit slower)
  • + Using crazy mechanics
  • + Great Lab Farmer
  • + Bleed it's main dps source but we still hit hard :)
  • - Hard to Check real DPS (even PoB don't calculate Crimson Dance and Bleed properly)
  • - It's Still evasion build, you can get occasional one hit on crazy map mode.
  • - Maddening Presence visual effect (great buff but i hate that circle).

Skill Tree

Ascendancy: Blood in the Eyes -> Gratuitous Violence -> Challenger Arena -> Outmatch and Outlast

Bandits: kill all


Poe Physical Damage Ranger Build

Major: Soul of Solaris

Minor: Soul of Gruthkul

Passive Tree & PoB

Path of Building Link:

Gems Setup

Lacerate / Double Strike (6 link)

Main Skill -> Rage -> Multistrike -> Brutality -> Melee Physical Damage/Fortify -> Ruthless

However, at the early stage of the league and the development of the character itself, when we do not have Ascendancy and other important keystone may be useful games such as Chance to Bleed / Maim / Faster Attack (instead of Multistrike/Ruthless which needs a lot of attack speed to run smoothly) will work very well and help us go to maps.

And Fortify, the difference between using Fortify or Melee Physical Damage is not significant. So you can easily use these games alternately, Fortify in the main setup is an interesting option. But that does not change my mind about the Ramparts wheel. I think it is overrated, it will give us 4% more reduction from Fortify and attack speed but you must have 6 passives, better go in Soul of Steal if you think about def (3 point need) and Berserking (3 point need) if you think about Attack speed.

We also do not know how Rage will behave in practice (keeping stacks, stacking him on the boss), but this gem looks amazing on paper. If it comes out differently in practice, it will be replaced for Fortify / Chance to Bleed or Maim

Auras/Buffs (4 link*)

1. Grace 50% (when you set up a dreamfather, you do not need it before

2. Blood and Sand 10% - (necessary to change stance)

3. Herald of Purity 25%

4. Vulnerability Curse Aura – Free (when we have Impresence Amulet)


Blasphemy Support + Vulnerability - Blood and Sand - Herald of Purity as 4 link. Grace will be placed in utility with Increased Duration to extend the time of Vaal Grace.

Movement (4 link*)

Whirling Blades/Leap Slam - Faster Attack - Fortify - Blood Magic

Free slot if you use Fortify in your main skill

CWDT Setup (3 link)

CWDT - Vaal Immortal Call/Vaal Molten Shell/Steelskin - Summon Flame Golem

I use maks lvl of gems for CWDT

Utility (4 link)

Blood Rage - Increased Duration - Phase Run - Vaal Grace

Blood Rage for Attack Speed and extra Leech.

Phase Run, additional dmg, speed and pass through enemy, We easily generate frenzy charge, thanks to that the buff lasts long when we use it at full charges.

Vaal Grace for additional defense Whats a .dmg file.

Utility 2 (3 link)

Berserk - Ancestral Protector


Bleed it's not calculated from hit DPS just from your base Physical DMG (weapon dmg*skill base dmg + flat dmg from gear) So on Rare items we looks for Flat Physical DMG! I will link my actual gear.

So Stats priority it's: Resist Cap/HP/Flat Physical Damage/Evasion

Dreamfeather * 2 is our core items, we stack Eva and get 2% Attack Damage every 450 evasion, Attack Speed, flat Evasion, Movement Speed.

Cost: 1 alch - 5-10 chaos (for a good corrupt one)

More Gear:


You look for

  • -% Life
  • -% Increased Damage
  • -% Increased Damage with Bleeding
  • -% Increased Damage Over Time

Watcher's Eye for Grace it's Really cheap and can give you %Life and some defence node (more Evasion or Blind).


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Physical Damage Ranger Poe


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Not sure on how valid this build is since I haven't gotten anywhere with the Ranger yet. Been playing far to much with the passive tree builder:) I wanted to make a CI ligthning based ranger. Here is the result.
Ligthning Arrow, since its converted dmg the physcial, ligthning and elemental dmg bonuses will be applied.
Blood Rage
Possibly conductivity, elemtal weakness, discipline, not sure on how much room there are for skills later
It has
Str 34
Dex 240
Int 274
Which gives:
+137 mana
+480 accuracy
80% elemental dmg with weapons
30% ligthning dmg with weapons
10% elemental dmg
54% ligtning dmg
31% projectile dmg
46% physical bow dmg
12% as
12% accuracy
174% energy shield(including int)
30% energy shield recovery
44% armour
66% evasion(including dex)
10% elemental resistance
2% mana leached
CI(immune to chaos dmg, max life=1)
Life leached goes to energy shield
5 frenzy charges with 18% duration and 4% evasion per charge
20% chance to shock, 45% shock duration
Passive tree 90 points

CI/ghostreaver obviously needs to be skipped until there is enough energy shield up.
It is skipping a lot of closeby physical and projectile dmg, especially crit related, nodes which is a bit bad. However for the rest of the points after 90 their are lots of interesting nodes closeby including those physical dmg nodes but also:
Another body and soul node for 9 p
30% energy shield recovery node for 3 p
4 6% lignning dmg nodes and 3 15% shock duration
2 Deadeye nodes closeby if more accuracy is needed for 3 points each
Last edited by Berjiz on Jan 29, 2013, 6:35:12 PM
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2013, 1:22:33 AM
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2013, 1:39:31 AM
Look awesome man, may I ask what support gems you would be using?
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2013, 3:33:17 AM
More optimized version.
Crit, Vaal pact, 110% weapon ele, 30% lightning 41% ele damage Iron reflexes, Unwavering stance (These are necessary because as CI, your base HP will be low and you'll be stunned everywhere) Mana leech only works with physical damage, which as an ele ranger, you won't be doing a lot of. Also 5% maximum elemental resists.
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2013, 9:54:04 AM
Haruhi is my goddess. Love her.
Anyway, with that build what path should I follow first you think? I mean what should the tree look like at about 30-40?
Cheers :)
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2013, 11:39:19 AM
More optimized version.
Crit, Vaal pact, 110% weapon ele, 30% lightning 41% ele damage Iron reflexes, Unwavering stance (These are necessary because as CI, your base HP will be low and you'll be stunned everywhere) Mana leech only works with physical damage, which as an ele ranger, you won't be doing a lot of. Also 5% maximum elemental resists.

So most of the physical dmg is going to be converted because of ligthning arrow, gems and such? Or will their be not phsyical dmg to convert? I guess it depends on items a bit but I think it might be better to use a mix and then convert some of the physical dmg to ligthning so the dmg bonuses stack. Not going only elemental dmg is important especially if you take Iron Grip as in your build.
The passive tree you looks interesting but I don't get the crit, for 6 points you get 30 dex and 70% crit multiplier but nothing to the crit chance so itäs still low so those points can probably be used better. Also you gone over a two lifenods.
With some changes and 2 more points it has more phsycal dmg bonuses, +1 more frenzy charge, 4% evasion per charge and loses the crit bonus. Also slightly lower evasion and higher energy shield since I moved points from the evasion cluster closet to the start to the nullifcation cluster, for 2 more points the nullifcation can be taken.

I should probably pick up Iron Reflexes in my build, its just 4 points. The reason I went up in the far north west corner was to get the chance to shock. Shock procs on crits so their is either a need for a lot of crit chance or for those nodes. It also has some ligthning dmg closeby.
Last edited by Berjiz on Jan 29, 2013, 1:03:42 PM
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2013, 1:03:09 PM
Physical damage just sucks. Stacking physical damage when rolling an ele ranger is a bad idea. Not just because in one has to sacrifice the physical damage roll to get the elemental rolls, but also because conversion of physical for bows just isn't good. If one rolls like +170%(The max possible roll) weapon damage on a bow, they'd end up with a maybe a 70-170 bow. That converts to about 35-85 lightning damage. Whereas if you rolled 1-109 lightning on the bow, and converted the base 20-66 to 10-33, you'd end up with 11-142 lightning. It is extremely difficult to roll a good physical bow, and thus, taking all the physical passives are likely going to waste. Here is a build with static blows You can save some points not taking inner force
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2013, 1:57:12 PM
Edit: Ups wrong calculations. Here is the correct:
Did some calculations on your example and using my first build.
70-170 phys bow
->Split phys 50/50 phys/ligthning
->35-85 phys 46% bonus -> 51-124
->35-85 ligthning 174+46% bonus(converted dmg) ->112-272 ligthning
Total 163-396, avg 280
1-109 lightning 20-66 phys
->Split phys 50/50 phys/ligthning
->10-33 phys 46% bonus -> 14-48
->10-33 ligthning 174+46% bonus(converted dmg) ->32-105 ligthning
->1-109 ligthning 174% bonus ->3-298 ligthning
Total 49-451, avg 250
How does life leech work? Couldn't find anything about how it works, why is Vaal pact so important?
Last edited by Berjiz on Jan 29, 2013, 8:29:10 PM
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2013, 2:32:39 PM
Maybee this could work? Still has Vaal Pact but evasion instead of armour.
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2013, 6:34:52 PM
I actually made up a build similar to the one of the threat starter.
Here are the passives:

Defense is lightning shield + evasion + CI
Offensive: Frenzy + lightning damage + high crit
However as Lightning arrow converts only 50% of the physical damage of your bow to lightning damage you need a bow with some decent physical damage I guess or at least balanced between lightning and physical.
A all Lightning damage bow would actually result in very low Lightning arrow damage right?
Posted by
on Jan 29, 2013, 7:39:53 PM

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