Mhw Increase Sticky And Cluster Dmg

*WARNING* Wall of text ahead:
In this thread I am going to attempt to determine wheater or not its better to add physical damage modifiers or elemental damage modifiers.
For the record (since alot of people will jump on me for this) elemental damage is far superiour when the damage actually lands on a mob, this is just two different methods of achiving that.
For this example I am going to assume that:
Player 1 (Physical increase) is using the following:
Lioneyes glare
Is using this build
If we disregard every aspect of the build except for damage boosting this is the values we get:
Physical damage multiplier: 106% (with iron grip) + 30% (broadstroke) = 136%
Attack speed increase: 69% + (20% lioneyes) = 89%
Projectile damage increase: 67%
Player 2 (Elemental increase) is using the following:
Thicket bow
Random quiver that equals broadstroke (+30% elemental damage increase)
Is using this build
If we disregard every aspect of the build except for damage boosting this is the values we get:
Physical damage multiplier: 76% (with iron grip)
Elemental damage increase: 90% + 30% (quiver) = 120%
Attack speed increase: 43% + 15% (Thicket bow) = 58%
Projectile damage increase: 36%
Player 1:

Lioneyes glare (min+max)/2 = 200 base physical damage
Player 2:
Thicket bows are tricky since there are so many variables but lets assume this:
Physical damage = 50
Elemental damage = 150
In those circumstances we get the same base damage as the Lioneyes.
Now lets look at the modifers:
Base damage with inate modifiers:

Player 1
Physical damage modifier: 200*2,36 = 472
Attack speed modifier: 272*1,89 = 892
Projectile damage modifier: 514 * 1,67 = 1490
Player 2
Physical damage modifier: 50 * 1,72 = 86
Physical damage after attack speed: 1,58*86 = 136
Physical damage after projectile damage: 136*1,36 = 185
Elemental damage modifier: 150 * 2,2 = 330
Elemental damage after attack speed: 1,58 * 330 = 521
Elemental damage after projectile modifier: 521 * 1,36 = 709
Player 1 deals 1490 physical damage
Player 2 deals 185 physical damage and 709 elemental damage
Now lets try what this does to skills and gems:
Frenzy at four charges
48% physical damage + 44% attack speed
Player 1
After physical part: 1490*1,48 = 2205
After attack speed part = 3175
Player 1 does 3175 physical damage
Player 2
After physical part: 185*1,48 = 274
After attack speed part: 274 * 1,44 = 395
Elemental after attack speed part: 709 * 1,44 = 1021
Player 2 does 395 physical and 1021 elemntal damage
Lightning arrow
Converts 50% of physical damage to lightning
Player 1
1490 physical damage / 2 = 745
Will do 745 physical and 745 elemental damage
With four frenzy charges =
3175 / 2 = 1586
Will do 1586 physical and 1586 elemental damage at full frenzy
Player 2
185 physical damage / 2 = 93
Will do 93 physical and 745+93 = 838 elemental damage
With four frenzy charges =
Physical 395/2 = 198
Will do 198 physical and (1021+198) 1219 elemental damage at full frenzy
Interesing to see that Player 1 DOES MORE elemental damage than Player 2 at full frenzy.
I just thought of something, many will say that I should comparision the values excluding attack speed and projectile damage, even though its hard to get projectile damage and attack speed when going elemental. But I will do it anyway:
So, to simplify things:
Player 1
Base physical damage 200
Physical damage increase 136%
After physical increase = 472
Player 2
Elemental damage increase 120%
Base physical damage 50
Base elemental damage 150
After elemental increase = 50 physical and 330 elemental
Frenzy at four charges
48% physical damage
Player 1:
699 physical
Player 2:
92 physical
330 elemental
Lightning arrow:
Player 1:

236 physical
236 elemental
Player 2:
25 physical
355 elemental
At full frenzy:
Player 1

350 physical
350 elemental
Player 2
46 physical
376 elemental
Now we all know that elemental damage > physical damage
Player 1 does 304 more physical damage than Player 2
Player 2 does 26 more elemental damage than Player 1
The question at hand is wheater elemental damage is 11 times better than physical damage or in other words:
Would you rather do 1100 physical damage per attack or 100 elemental damage per attack?
The last example is still rather simplified because as en elemental archer it is very hard to up elemental damage + attack speed + projectile damage.
It is much easier to up base physical damage and let the skills convert and/or add elemental damage.
Last edited by Celavie on Mar 19, 2013, 10:49:08 AM
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2013, 10:21:26 AM
shameless bump
alot of effort went into this thread, some input would be appreciated!
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2013, 11:41:56 AM
I think you're ending up with elemental damage numbers that are too low because you dont account for +ele dmg from rings/boots/gloves.
Overall, physical damage is safer due to possibly more leech, elemental damage can reach higher dps values easier.
Immortal King WW Marauder build:
ign: Peresvet
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2013, 12:01:51 PM
If I account for those numbers, I must account for +physical damage numbers as well. It will be too complex.
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2013, 12:04:26 PM
Are you sure you accounted for the most important thing?
attack speed?
The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2013, 12:05:09 PM
If I account for those numbers, I must account for +physical damage numbers as well. It will be too complex.

+ physical damage is much weaker generally and not used as much as +elemental
Immortal King WW Marauder build:
ign: Peresvet
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2013, 12:13:44 PM
Attack speed is irrelevant in the second example because it would boost both attacks exactly the same, this is the damage PER ATTACK, not per second.
On a side note to this, I believe that attack speed is much easier to gain when going physical increase because of the nature of the passive tree.
Also, the Thicket bow and Lioneyes glare have a very similar attack speed. (1.55 against 1.5 attacks per second)
Last edited by Celavie on Mar 19, 2013, 12:22:20 PM
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2013, 12:18:11 PM
By your numbers they are pretty equal, unless..
Anger and Wrath:
elemental damage + weapon elemental damage ->more than double damage on same aura as would have phys archer. and +30% on top from inner force.
Give to second player same Lioneye + blackgleam.
I wouldn't even mention that your second build gimped by picking 18% lightning damage nodes instead of 30% WED cluster near vaal pact.
Last edited by Gremlion on Mar 19, 2013, 12:29:47 PM
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2013, 12:27:53 PM
If I account for those numbers, I must account for +physical damage numbers as well. It will be too complex.

+ physical damage is much weaker generally and not used as much as +elemental

This is not a valid argument. Yes, I know elemental is better because of mitigration. But the whole point of this thread is to should that you can end up with HIGHER elemental damage by boosting physical. Than boosting elemental alone.
Both Player one and Player two deals elemental damage, it´s just two different approaches to getting there.
I don´t think that elemental damage is 11 times better than physical.
Say that a mob has 90% physical damage reduction and only half that at 45% resists.
1100 physical damage will remove 110 hitpoints.
100 elemental will remove 55 hitpoints.
Conclusion: 11 times more physical damage will reduce twice as much HP as 1/11 elemental damage. Rating elemental damage at 5.5:1 versus physical.
Discalimer: These figueras are highly speculative, but it is no way that elemental damage is 11 times more effective than physical.
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2013, 12:29:34 PM
By your numbers they are pretty equal, unless..
Anger and Wrath:
elemental damage + weapon elemental damage ->more than double damage on same aura as would have phys archer. and +30% on top from inner force.
Give to second player same Lioneye + blackgleam.
I wouldn't even mention that your second build gimped by picking 18% lightning damage nodes instead of 30% WED cluster near vaal pact.

Not an issue:
Auras and inner forcé would increase the elemental damage of the physical player as well. And as stated; the physical player actually dealt MORE elemental damage than the elemental player thus gaining MORE from auras.
However; I did not account for 'Add fire damage' it adds 30% your physical damage as elemental. This would GREATLY increase the damage of Player 1.
I choose not to include these figues as they would confuse and more or less cancel out.
THe second build is not mine, I choose a very popular LA archer build from the dualist forum. Give me a better one and ill do the numbers. But remeber to not use all the points in offence; still ahs to be a fairly balanced build.
Last edited by Celavie on Mar 19, 2013, 12:39:38 PM
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2013, 12:31:31 PM

The Light Bowgun (LBG) is a compact Gunner weapon with great mobility. Its wide selection of ammo provides it with great utility, letting it control monsters quickly with status shots, or to deal high amounts of damage with its offensive ammunition.

Dec 22, 2016  Extending the size of an iSCSI based Cluster Shared Volume (CSV) in Windows Server 2012 Published by Tyler Woods on December 22, 2016 December 22, 2016. I just had to expand the size of one of our CSV’s without much notice. I wasn’t prepared for. Artillery is a fantastic skill that boosts sticky damage, but not cluster damage. Some good skills I use are: Attack Boost, Peak Performance, Flinch Free, Slugger. Use whatever combination of armor you'd like, however I recommend Kirin Beta shoes for 2 points in Free Elem/Ammo Up. Very very efficient. To clarify, Feline Polisher (the first on this list) needs 2 red ingredients of any type.Check the next tab for more info on food color (if it isn’t painfully obvious by now). Since there is a maximum of 6 ingredient slots – you can only have a total of 6 “needs”.

  • Customization

Strength & Weakness

  • (Generally) large variety in ammo selection
  • Fast mobility and good evasive capabilities
  • Rapid Fire
  • Small clip size and requires more frequent reloads
  • Rapid Fire stops the player from moving


The Light Bowgun can use custom mods to improve its attributes. By talking to the Smithy, players can install the following mods:

Recoil SuppressorReduces recoils for certain ammo type. The strength of this effect depends on the ammo.
Reload AssistReduces reload time for specific ammo. The strength of this effect depends on the ammo.
Deviation SuppressorReduces ammo deviation when firing. Cannot be used on LBGs without deviation.
Close Range UpIncrease attack power when firing at close range.
Range Attack UpIncrease attack power when firing at long range.

If a LBG's attribute is improved by an installed mod, it will be highlighted in green. Some attributes require just 1 mod for improvement, but others may require multiple mods. Mods can be stacked to improve their effects, and mods of the same type can be stacked up to 3 times.

The LBG's rarity determines how many mods it can equip.

Weapon RarityNumbers of mod


Recoil refers to the severity of weapon kickback when a shot is fired. Different ammunitions have different recoils. Strong recoil will have a sever kickback effect and the player is unable to move during the recoil animation.


Reload refers to how fast ammo can be reloaded. Reload speed differs between ammo types.

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Deviation affects the direction and severity of bullet deviation when it was fired. Deviation is the same regardless of the ammo used. The further a shot travels, the stronger the effect of deviation has on its accuracy.

Critical Distance

Critical Distance (Critical Range) refers to the distance at which shots fired by the player will deal the most amount of damage.

Rapid Fire

Light Bowgun's Rapid Fire enables it to fire multiple shots at the cost of 1 ammo. Different LBGs can Rapid Fire different ammo. Rapid Fire ammo will be marked with this icon: .


Up to 3 Wyvernblasts can be set up on the ground. Shooting or attacking the Wyvernblast ignites it, which then creates explosions that harm monsters. Each Wyvernblast can create 5 explosions, and they can be ignited from friendly fire. The stronger the igniting attack is, the more powerful the explosions will be. Wyvernblast ammo regenerates over time.

Placing Wyvernblast

Igniting Wyvernblast

Combat Tips

  • Critical Distance varies by ammo type, so being aware of the Critical Distance for all the shots being used is critical in maximizing damage.
  • Some kinds of ammo don't require standing still to reload. Knowing which kinds of ammo can be reloaded while moving and which kinds can't is helpful in staying safe while in combat.
  • Use both Side Steps and Back Steps after firing to reposition.
  • Laying down all 3 Wyvernblasts doesn't take up much time. It is possible to lay down and ignite all 3 on an immobilized monster before it can get up.
  • Individual shots from Rapid Fire are weaker, but combined they will deal more damage than a single shot, assuming that all Rapid Fire shots connect on the monster.


MoveButton (+Condition)Properties
Draw WeaponDraw Attack > R2
Draw WeaponDraw Attack > Automatically performs a Reload if the current ammo is not fully loaded.
AimHold L2Left-stick controls movement, Right-stick to aim
FireR2R2 to fire.
Firing from the hip without aiming is possible.
Firing midair is possible.
Different bullets have different levels of recoil.
Certain ammo has Rapid Fire, and the player can fire multiple shots at the cost of 1 ammo.
Backstep/Side Step after firingCan evade in any direction. These can be performed successively, up to 2 times
ReloadOut of ammo > R2
Reload the current ammo.
Some ammo can be loaded while walking, while others force the player to stop to reload
WyvernblastPlace a tiny explosive on the ground.
Cycle through AmmoL1+/
Dpad Up/Down
Melee Attack+
While sliding down a slope with weapon sheathedCombos into:
  • Draw weapon /R2
  • Jump
Firing while sliding is possible, but not recommended.
Jumping ReloadMidair Draw Attack > /R2
Midair >

Motion Values

Mhw Increase Sticky And Cluster Dmg System

MoveDamage TypeMotion ValueStunExhaust
Melee AttackBlunt253030
Jumping ReloadBlunt253030
Wyvernblast (S)-26--
Wyvernblast (M)-32--
Wyvernblast (L)-49--

Ammo Motion Values

Mhw Increase Sticky And Cluster Dmg 2

AmmoMotion ValueStunExhaust
Normal 17 10--
Normal 215 20--
Normal 320 32--
Pierce 16 7--
Pierce 26 7--
Pierce 37 8--
Spread 16--
Spread 27--
Spread 38--
Sticky 11230-
Sticky 21650-
Sticky 319100-
Sticky Projectile1--
Cluster Bomb 119--
Cluster Bomb 222--
Cluster Bomb 328--
Cluster Projectile1--
Recover 10--
Recover 20--
Poison 11--
Poison 21--
Paralysis 11--
Paralysis 21--
Sleep 11--
Sleep 21--
Exhaust 112050
Exhaust 2130100
Slicing Projectile1--
Slicing7 6--
Wyvern (Primary)70--
Wyvern (Additional)15 16--