Ele Dmg With Attacks.

Im going to assume that the LA and HA of each weapon scales for to the damage side.
Staff will scale more to Spell Damage and Swords etc will scale to Weapon Damage more.
The exact ratio is not widely known.
Just to try and answer your question
  1. Ele Damage With Attacks Poe
  2. Ele Damage With Attacks
  3. Poe Ele Damage With Attacks

I actually calculated the skill coefficients for most light/heavy attacks recently. You can find them here.

But in general, most people go for raw ele for GS/hammer, and ele raw for SnS/DS and stuffs. LS, Lance and stuffs have a mixed of rapid attacks and high dmg attack, so both raw and ele. Hello guys, I wanna ask about elemental attack and attack stat for BDancer, Berserk, and Sorceress. Is there any difference bout that with each those 3 character? I mean sorceress prefer ele build, and Bdancer/Berserk prefer attack build since the stat info said that sorceress do magic damage and Bdanc/berserk do phisic damage.

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  1. Applies to any elemental damage dealt by an 'Attack Skill'. If the skill has the 'Attack' tag (see Molten Strike), then it's elemental damage will be scaled by Increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills. This includes some totems, like Ranged Attack Totem, Siege Ballista, and Ancestral Warchief/Protector (there may be more).
  2. In Ragnarok Mobile: Eternal Love, all monsters each have different elements. Knowing what your target's element is allows you to significantly increase your damage by using the weakness of your target's element. This guide will teach you how to boost your farming efficiency and leveling speed by using the elements table, elemental converters, and cards.
The equations for light/heavy attack are roughly:
Where 'Stat' is Stamina for Physical weapons and Magicka for staffs and 'Power' is likewise Weapon/Spell damage. The skill coefficient ratio is 40 which means that LA/HA depend more strongly on the Weapon/Spell damage than Stamina/Magicka than most skills (typical ratio of 10.5).
@Reorx_Holybeard Wow, great job on the skills tracker

Ele Damage With Attacks Poe

I'm trying to follow on this but I am not sure I understand with the 40 ratio of Heavy Attacks.

Ele Damage With Attacks

Could you show me the math on calculating my fully charged heavy attack tooltip damage if I had 30,000 Max Stam, and 3000 Weapon Damage (using a bow)?

Poe Ele Damage With Attacks